IBM i Training - The 400 School

LIVE On-Line Hands-On Workshop Schedule

Updated July 21, 2024

All Classes are Guaranteed To Run (GTR) as Scheduled

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Workshop Description

Click Class Title for Detailed Outline/Agenda

Duration Agenda Dates Student Fee

Introduction to ILE RPG IV Programming Workshop

Programmer Bootcamp. Special Discounts When Combined. Call or Email for Details

This LIVE 5-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides an introduction to ILE RPG IV programming on the IBM i (iSeries, AS/400). No previous knowledge of RPG is required or assumed.

This course covers both Fixed format and /FREE format versions, with an emphasis on /FREE format, with the most modern language enhancements.

Throughout the Workshop, "Legacy" RPG coding methods are examined to assist the student in their ability to maintain existing/older RPG programs.

During the workshop, students will write, test and debug dozens of RPG IV programs, starting with simple assignments and progressing through complex programming tasks.

5 Days July
22 - 26

Intermediate ILE RPG IV
            Interactive Programming Workshop

Programmer Bootcamp. Special Discounts When Combined. Call or Email for Details

This LIVE 5-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop focuses on the technology and programming needed to write and maintain interactive display screen programs using ILE RPG IV. Students will write, test and debug numerous interactive RPG IV programs of increasing complexity.

Advanced topics like Subfiles, Windows and Advanced Message Handling are presented in this workshop. This class is intended for those with a basic knowledge of RPG IV that need the knowledge and experience of writing and maintaining interactive RPG IV programs.

Fixed format and /free format C Specifications are taught in this class with the most current language enhancements. Students choose to use fixed or /free format code, depending on personal preference.

Throughout the Workshop, "Legacy" RPG coding methods are examined to assist the student in their ability to maintain existing/older RPG programs. In addition, newer /free format "everything" is discussed and examples are presented.

5 Days July 29 -
Aug 2

System Operations Workshop
                             for iSeries AS/400 and IBM i

This LIVE 3-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides an introduction to System Operations for the IBM i (AS/400, iSeries). Emphasis is placed on the basics of system navigation, and on normal day-to-day system operational tasks.

3 Days August
5 - 7

Expanded System Operations Workshop for IBM i iSeries & AS/400

This LIVE 5-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides an introduction to the IBM i, AS/400, iSeries for System Operators. Emphasis is placed on the basics of system navigation and on normal day-to-day operational tasks.

In addition, this workshop addresses many intermediate to advanced level topics, including the Management of Disk Space, Advanced IBM i Navigator use, Managing User Accounts, Advanced Message Handling, Network Server Management (including NetServer) and reviewing the System Values(Global System Settings).

5 Days August
5 - 9

IBM i iSeries AS/400 System Administration

          and Control Workshop

This LIVE 5-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides an introduction to IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) System Administration and Control. The audience for this class is the new and intermediate level System Administrator and advanced members of the Operations staff.

5 Days August
12 - 16
IBM i (iSeries AS/400) Expanded Security Workshop

This LIVE 4-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides a comprehensive treatment of IBM i (iSeries and AS/400) security concepts along with practical instruction for implementing those concepts. Tips will be provided throughout the class on how to audit and detect faulty implementation that could compromise the system.

The Workshop is designed for those dealing with system setup and administration, including system administrators, security officers, and IT Auditors. It is also recommended for technical support personnel and those staff members who set standards/policies for Application Development and Change Management.

Expanded hands-on lab exercises reinforce the concepts presented.

4 Days August
19- 22
QAUDJRN Auditing and Forensic Analysis Workshop

This LIVE 2-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides the student with an understanding of the IBM i Security Audit Journal (QAUDJRN) along with a comprehensive view of the auditing facilities available on the system.

Students will learn how to configure the system auditing facilities to audit the activity of Users, access to sensitive Objects and Security related events, like authority failures and invalid logon attempts.

In addition to learning how to audit these various activities, students will learn how to properly extract meaningful information from the QAUDJRN Security Audit journal to perform forensic analysis of audited events.

This workshop also provides the information needed to create and maintain the QAUDJRN Security Audit journal and associated journal receivers.

2 Days August
IBM i Query Workshop for Technical Staff and End Users

This LIVE Full Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides a comprehensive exploration of Query for i, the IBM Query/400 reporting tool. The audience for the class is both end users and IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) technical staff.

1 Day August 29 $595


The following Classes can be scheduled to meet your special requirements.

Additional Classes are listed in our Course Catalog

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Introduction to RPG/400 Programming Workshop

This LIVE 5-Day Hands-On Lab-Style Workshop provides an introduction to programming in the RPG/400 language on the IBM i (iSeries and AS/400). Students will Write, Test and Debug numerous RPG/400 Programs of increasing complexity. No previous knowledge of the RPG language is required.

NOTE: This is NOT RPG IV. RPG IV is the newest version of the RPG Language introduced by IBM in 1994.

Programmer Bootcamp. Special Discounts When Combined. Call or Email for Details

5 Days To Be
       for COBOL Programmers Workshop

NOTE: Contact us for more information on presenting the class live at your offices, or in our Online Classroom.

Programmer Bootcamp. Special Discounts When Combined. Call or Email for Details

5 Days To Be
Introduction to ILE COBOL/400
        Programming Workshop - 5 Days

NOTE: Contact us for more information on presenting the class live at your offices, or in our Online Classroom.

Programmer Bootcamp. Special Discounts When Combined. Call or Email for Details

5 Days
To Be
Introduction to ILE COBOL/400
        Programming Workshop - 10 Days

NOTE: Contact us for more information on presenting the class live at your offices, or in our Online Classroom.

Programmer Bootcamp. Special Discounts When Combined. Call or Email for Details

10 Days
To Be


Contact us at: (800) 936-3140 or (314) 932-2430


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*** Workshop Discounts for The Calendar Year ***

Only The First Student from your company pays the Listed Workshop Fee.

For ALL additional students, and ALL additional classes your company receives a
$200 discount off the Listed Workshop Fee for the Entire Calendar Year.